[b-greek] Re: change of e-mail address

From: Clwinbery@aol.com
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 20:23:33 EST

In a message dated 2/7/02 7:49:16 PM, CSBRPALMSPRINGS@prodigy.net writes:

>Please change my address from
>csbrpalmsprings@prodigy.net to dbass@psusd.k12.ca.us
>my former e-mail is not working right now and I'll
>take the lists at this new one from now on. Thanks,
>Dennis Bass

Messages such as this should be sent to one of the list-administrators
named in the FAQ and not to the list as a whole, please. Never-the-less I
have made the change.

Carlton Winbery
Louisiana College

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