[b-greek] Re: THEOTOKOS

From: Clwinbery@aol.com
Date: Tue Feb 12 2002 - 15:09:54 EST

In a message dated 2/12/02 11:26:58 AM, cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu wrote to Ed

>At 11:12 AM -0600 2/12/02, Ed Garcia wrote:
>>Please allow my question, it is not about a NT word. The word THEOTOKOS
>>typically applied to Mary but why does it end in _OS? Which I would
>>understand to be a masculine ending. Please understand I am not trying
>>make any doctrinal statement but am only trying to decipher the person
>>ending of this word. Any guidance given would be greatly appreciated.
>Technically this is an adjective that may be used as a substantive.
>However, adjectives compounded of elements of this sort tend to be
>"two-termination" in morphology, so that the masculine AND the feminine
>forms of this are QEOTOKOS, the neuter QEOTOKON (in the nominative sg.,
>that is).
I would add to this that you seem to assume that 2nd declension endings in
the nom. OS are all masculine. There are a number (about 25 in the GNT) of
these that are either feminine (hH hODOS) or masculine or feminine (hO or hH
DIADONOS). There is a complete list in Metzger's Lexical Aids.

Carlton Winbery
Louisiana College

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