[b-greek] Re: Interpretation of Rom 4:1

From: Glenn Blank (glennblank@earthlink.net)
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 00:44:48 EST

>The proposition which I think Paul tries to refute in Rom 4.1 is partly
>answered but not fully in the last paragraph of chapter 3. The proposition
>is related to Paul's question: Is God of the Jews only? Paul refutes
>the proposition by referring to the Shema that God is one. But some Jews
>might have still protested, sayin that God cannot be God of Gentiles
>unless they become the children of Abraham. So, Paul asks: Shall we say
>that we have found Abraham to be our forefather ACCORDING TO FLESH?

Well spoken. I understand your point.

Thanks again for the exchange.

glenn blank

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