[b-greek] Re: Archives

From: Mark Goodacre (M.S.Goodacre@bham.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 15:43:31 EST

On 14 Feb 2002 at 8:12, Carl W. Conrad wrote:

> there's a selection made by Vincent Broman back from those years that
> may be read at the archive site, but I think it may be difficult to
> incorporate them into the new archive, and I can't find Vincent Broman
> currently on our member list (his web-site, which used to hold a
> considerable variety of zipped NT Greek texts, is also no longer in
> service. Does anyone know his whereabouts? I think he used to be with
> the Navy at San Diego.

Vincent Broman's Greek New Testament Editions page is still on-line
but it changed location year or so ago. It's at:


He has some other bits and bobs at:


Best wishes
Dr Mark Goodacre mailto:M.S.Goodacre@bham.ac.uk
  Dept of Theology tel: +44 121 414 7512
  University of Birmingham fax: +44 121 414 4381
  Birmingham B15 2TT UK

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