[b-greek] Re: oida ouden eidos...

From: Daniel L. Christiansen (dlc@multnomah.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 16:47:46 EST


    It would help if we had more context. It immediately brought to my mind
1Corinthians 8.4 OIDAMEN hOTI OUDEN EIDWLON . . .. Of course, that is not quite
what you wrote, but (FWIW) perhaps the quote you are referencing has used only
lexical forms, and elided part of EIDWLOS?


Jonathan Robie wrote:

> I don't think this is biblical Greek, but does anyone recognize the quote?
> Jonathan

Daniel L. Christiansen
Professor, Bible & Theology, Biblical Languages
Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary
(503) 445-5295

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