[b-greek] RE: Text Criticism

From: Vincent M. Setterholm (Vincents@minn.net)
Date: Sat Feb 16 2002 - 10:49:12 EST

Aland and Aland's The Text of the New Testament includes short descriptions
of a great many of the manuscripts, categorizing them by date, quality and
text type. It also includes charts showing which books of the bible are
represented by what papyri and uncial manuscripts. It also provides a nice
history of greek editions, and the principles that the modern critical
editions of the greek text are founded on.

Vincent Setterholm

-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Cass [mailto:scjt624@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 8:51 PM
To: Biblical Greek
Subject: [b-greek] Text Criticism

  I'm in my second year of Greek and we are beginning to look through
textual criticism. I find it very interesting and was wondering what are
some good resources. Especially charts/reference work laying out all the
manuscripts, dates, types (Alexandrian, Western...), and the like. I
would appreciate any input.

Shane [Cass]

[Moderator's note: (1) New list-members please note that BG
Protocol requires a full-name signature to be appended to
messages sent to the list.; (2) Note that, while Textual Criticism
itself is NOT a topic appropriate to B-Greek, bibliographical
resources that may be helpful may be listed. --cwc]

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