[b-greek] Re: Attic and Homeric Greek vs. Koine

From: Ann Nyland (accuratebibles@accuratebibles.com)
Date: Sun Feb 24 2002 - 04:42:13 EST

Wow, double lattes here are $3.30 AUD which is about $6.60 US. Any remotely
Classical book here (even used) is worth many double lattes, with perhaps a
couple of Hazelnut lattes thrown in.

Yes, that's very good advice, looking around for helpful books first.
(Cunliffe is great!) I would still suggest starting with someone really easy
like Lysias or Xenophon.

Seattle has an excellent unit of measurement!

Ann Nyland

----- Original Message -----
From: "c stirling bartholomew" <cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net>
To: "Biblical Greek" <b-greek@franklin.metalab.unc.edu>
Sent: Sunday, 24 February 2002 4:19
Subject: [b-greek] Re: Attic and Homeric Greek vs. Koine

> on 2/23/02 8:07 PM, Ann Nyland wrote:
> > I would suggest the Odyssey rather than the Iliad as it is more of a
> > and the reader is not struggling with vocab. for guts, liver, kidneys,
> > spleen, and so on. And imv, it is a little easier.
> I was all set to work on the Odyssey for exactly these reasons having read
> Lattimore's Iliad and finding the middle section tedious. But when I
> looking for helpful books to easy my way in Homer, books on the Odyssey
> not exactly jumping off the shelves at the book stores.
> Helpful books make a big difference for people working on their own. My
> first year or two in Homer was a disaster. I just walked into the UW book
> store and purchased the Loeb Iliad (both vols.) and Cunliffe's lexicon and
> walked out again thinking I was now prepared to get started. After a few
> hours of work on the first five lines I went to the library and got Clyde
> Pharr. For some reason Pharr just didn't help at all.
> About two years later I came across a used copy of Benner's Iliad for the
> price of a latte* (a double) and that made a big difference. 10 years
> I acquired a reprint of Monro's grammar, and then T.W. Allen's Homeri
> (Oxford 1931, 3 vols.) and just last year I found a used set of Willcock's
> commentary on the Iliad.
> The most important books for survival in Homer were Benner's "Selections
> from the Iliad" and Cunliffe's lexicon which has the helpful feature of
> listing a lot of the difficult forms alphabetically with cross references
> the lemma. Willcock makes a nice supplement to Benner but you can survive
> without Willcock, I did for well over a decade.
> Anyway, if someone wants to do Homer on their own I suggest doing some
> research first on what you can get in the way of helpful books.
> For reading pleasure, the Odyssey is clearly the first choice. I have
> Lattimore, T.E. Lawrence and Fitzgerald on hand for pleasure reading. I
> also read some of Fagels which is good.
> greetings,
> Clay
> --
> Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
> Three Tree Point
> P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062
> *a double latte in 1991 was about $2.25, for people from out of town, the
> latte is a unit by which all things are measured in Seattle.
> ---
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