[b-greek] Re: MORFH

From: Jeff Smelser (jeffsmelser@ntgreek.net)
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 00:21:58 EST

Jonathan, look at the discussion of MORFH in Moulton & Milligan (_The
Vocabulary of the Greek New
Testament illustrated from the papyri and other non-literary sources_), and
also the entry for SCHMA.

The entry for SCHMA has this:

"The thought of 'external bearing' or 'fashion' which in general
distinguishes this word from MORFH, 'what is essential and permanent' (see
s.v. MORFH), and which comes out so clearly in Phil 2,8, may be illustrated
by such passages as the following..." (p. 619)
(occurrences of SCHMA are then cited)

The entry for MORFH has this:

"Kennedy (ad Phil 2,6 in EGT) has shown from the LXX usage that "the word
had come in later Greek, to receive a vague, general meaning, far removed
from the accurate, metaphysical content which belonged to it in writers like
Plato and Aristotle.' Hence the meaning must not be over-pressed in the NT
occurrences, though MORFH 'always signifies a form which truly and fully
expresses the being which underlies it.'...In Syll 888....MORFH is combined
with the more outward SCHMA..." (p. 417)

In considering the difference between these two words, I think it's
interesting to note that Satan is said to undergo, not a metamorphosis, but
metaschemasis, when he represents himself as an angel of light - AUTOS GAR

Jeff Smelser

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