[b-greek] Re: imperative passive?

From: Polycarp66@aol.com
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 00:27:55 EST

In a message dated 2/26/2002 10:33:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,
wmhboyd@aol.com writes:

>What is the force of an imperative passive verb? Sometimes I feel like I
>must be rather thick in the head. It seems to me that if you give someone
>a command it would necessitate an active response on their part. Case in
>point is SOQHTE in Acts 2:40. "Be saved" (passive) in NASV. "Save
>yourselves" (imperative) in KJV. How can it be both imperative and

According to a quick search of the NT, I find 155 passive imperatives in 145
verses. I am quite sure that there are a number which are actually middle
and reflect verbs which appear only in that form, e.g., POREUQENTI in Matt.
8.9. These reflect such concepts as "be reconciled" (Matt. 5.24), "make
holy, be consecrated" (Matt. 6.9), "be born, begotten" (Matt. 6.10), "make
clean, purify" (Matt. 8.3), "to move, go" (Matt. 8.9). The last mentioned is
particularly one which appears only as a middle in the NT. There is an
active form POREUW in classical use, but that means "to make to go, carry."
I suspect from what I have seen so far that most of these have a reflexive
nature - to do something to oneself (such as to cleanse oneself).


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