[b-greek] Re: EIS in Acts 2:39

From: Clwinbery@aol.com
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 21:23:59 EST

In a message dated 3/5/02 7:05:18 PM Central Standard Time,
cauley@airmail.net writes:

> What is the difference in the meaning of EIS in Acts 2:38 (EIS AFESIN
> hAMARTIWN) and the EIS in Acts 2:39 (EIS MAKRAN OSOUS)? It seems to me
> in 2:38 the preposition is indicating result, but in 2:39 it is almost
> dative in nature.
> Kevin Cauley

I would say yes if by dative you mean the locative function. Generally EIS
indicates movement toward or into (also purpose), but in the GNT it often
parallels EPI or EN with the dative in simple location. I would translate it
in Acts 2:39 as "to all those at a distance." PASIN TOIS EIS MAKRAN.

Carlton Winbery
Louisiana College

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