[b-greek] Re: EIS in Acts 2:39

From: Iver Larsen (iver_larsen@sil.org)
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 17:47:39 EST

> I don't disagree with anything substantive Iver has said on this question;
> I only want to clarify/expand one little item about the phrase
> At 9:31 AM +0100 3/6/02, Iver Larsen wrote:
> >3) PASIN TOIS EIS MAKRAN (TOPON/CRONON?) - all the (people) (who
> are) up to
> >a far away (place/time?)
> It's quite true that adverbial expressions can, as here, be
> substantivized,
> also true that such substantivized adverbial expressions can, as here, be
> elliptical, i.e. implicitly contain elements that are usually not made
> explicit. The implicit elements here, I think (in angular brackets) are:
> PASIN TOIS EIS MAKRAN <hODON OUSIN> -- the participle of EIMI is usually
> implicit in such expressions, and when the adverbial expression includes a
> feminine adjective such as MAKRAN here, one may usually expect that to
> imply a feminine noun, in this instance hODON, "way," "journey,"
> "road." At
> any rate, with the feminine MAKRAN one could NOT expect a masculine
> noun-form such as TOPON or CRONON to be implicit.

Does MAKRAN ever occur in any other form? I know it does not in the GNT, but
it may do so in other Hellenistic texts. I can see that it may have derived
from an adjective with an implied feminine word such as hODOS.
Because it seemed to be a fixed form, I took it as an indeclinable adverb,
not a feminine adjective, but I think you are right that if there was an
implied word it ought to be a feminine noun.

Thanks for the clarification.

Iver Larsen

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