[b-greek] question concerning dictionary entries

From: Randall Buth (ButhFam@compuserve.com)
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 04:11:00 EST

shalom Steven,

Your questions bring up deeper issues. I have a paper forthcoming in
the Danker volume on this topic.

You may be interested to know that the old Hatch Redpath LXX
Concordance uses the continuative infinitive for its lemma.
Also, Morgenthaler's NT Vocabulary "statistik".

A couple of basic principles from natural language acquisition:
1. real words should be used within a language, not artificial words that
need extra processing (though dictionaries are not natural language use).
2. a word means what it means. See below:

>For example, if I speak of the Greek word "bapto" meaning "to dip". =
>I say a or b?
>a] "The Greek word "bapto" means "to dip".
>b] "The Greek word "baptein" means "to dip."
>Thank you in advance for your replies.
>Steven D. Baxley
>Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic<

In line with natural language principles we would say
either (a) bapto means "I am dipping"
or (b) baptein means "to be dipping"
or (c) bapsai means "to dip"


Randall Buth, PhD
Director, Biblical Language Center
and Lecturer, Biblical Hebrew
Rothberg International School
Hebrew University

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