[b-greek] Re: Acts 14:1

From: Iver Larsen (iver_larsen@sil.org)
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 01:05:00 EST

> Iver, I think you're right here, and it strikes me that the appropriate
> English, at least, for KATA TO AUTO might be simply "likewise." It's
> interesting how Koine Greek kept developing new adverbial
> expressions using
> prepositional phrases, and especially with KATA: KATA MEROS, KAQ' hOLOU,

Thank you for this insight.
Since I quoted BAGD as supporting "together", I should probably balance that
quote with another quote from the same dictionary. This morning I looked
under AUTOS and found the following:

KATA TO AUTO together, in the sense: in each other’s company ... and also at
the same time ... Ac 14:1; also poss. is in the same way (ENestle, Acts 14:1
: ET 24, ’13, 187f), as prob. Hs 8, 7, 1

So, they do acknowledge the other option for Acts 14:1 even though it was
not listed under the entry for KATA.

Iver Larsen

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