[b-greek] Re: Mark Commentaries

From: James Ernest (jdelists@earthlink.net)
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 10:43:01 EST

In addition (just to muddy the water further for Clay), Hendrickson has a
new commentary by Francis Moloney in page proofs. It will be available in


James D. Ernest, Ph.D.
Associate Editorial Director
Hendrickson Publishers
140 Summit Street
P. O. Box 3473
Peabody, MA 01961-3473

978/573-2243 (phone and voicemail)
800/358-3111, menu 2, 3 (toll-free)
978/573-8243 (fax)
jernest@hendrickson.com (office only)

----- Original Message -----
From: "c stirling bartholomew" <cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net>
To: "Biblical Greek" <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:00 PM
Subject: [b-greek] Mark Commentaries

> There are two newish Mark Commentaries from Eerdmans,
> James R. Edwards, Pillar Series
> R.T. France, NIGTC
> Anyone have anything to say about these?
> off list comments are fine with me.
> thanks,
> Clay
> --
> Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
> Three Tree Point
> P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062
> ---
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