[b-greek] Re: Ephesians 4:26

From: Manolis Nikolaou (aei_didaskomenos@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 13:58:35 EST

> > > Dear Manolis,
> > > I am enjoying your posts. Thanks. Would you mind explaning the last
> > > statement?
> > > Are commands more analytical than participial clauses?
> > >
> > > Moon
> > > Moon R. Jung
> > > Sogang Univ, Seoul, Korea
> >
> >
> > Dear Moon,
> >
> > I'm really happy for enjoying you with my posts. However, before being
> > ironical, you should have taken into consideration the fact that Greek is
> > my mother tongue: since KOINH, from which modern Greek is derived, is not
> > to me a "foreign" tongue the way it is to you, let me assume that its
> > vocabulary, grammar and syntax are much more familiar to me than they are
> > to you, no?
> >
> > Now. Unless you try to be more specific and make clear whether you
> > disagree or not (and why) with my assumption that "ORGIZESQE KAI MH
> > AMARTANETE" is equal to "ORGIZOMENOI MH AMARTANETE", I'm afraid I can't
> > give a satisfactory answer to the question of yours. However, I haven't
> > said that "commands are more analytical than participial clauses", but
> > that structures like "ORGIZESQE KAI MH AMARTANETE" (instead of the much
> > more clear "ORGIZOMENOI MH AMARTANETE") should be interpreted as a result
> > of the gradual replacement of the participial structures in later Greek by
> > more analytical equivalents.
> >
> > Well, dear Moon, I hope I've managed to entertain you for once more.
> >
> Dear Manolis,
> your contribution to the list is particularly appreciated because Greek
> is your mother tongue. I know a Greek guy who is a computer scientist
> as I am. He once was impressed by the fact that I read the NT Greek Bible.
> He even told me to read some parts of it for him, as if he could not
> believe
> it. He told me that he learned classical and KOINE greek as part of
> regular
> school work for many years. So, I hope that I would learn much from
> your intuition about the langauge.
> About the question, I simply do not understand what "more analytical
> structure"
> mean. I would guess it means "more analytical SENTENCE structure". Do you
> intend to mean "simpler structure" or something like that?
> Moon
> Moon R. Jung
> Sogang Univ, Seoul, Korea

Dear Moon,
I think the reason for which that Greek friend of yours was so impressed
by your command of NT Greek, is that some guy from Korea is not really
expected to be so knowledgeable about the Greek language. My greek ego was
also unexpectedly hearted by your comment the other day and I guess I owe
you an apology for overreacting to it.

Now, I don't think I shall go on with this matter, since my interpretation
for Ephesians 4:26 is apparently mistaken. However, it is true that the
most obvious differences between modern and ancient Greek are related to
the syntax and that such differences had begun to emerge in the Roman era
already: participial and infinitival structures had started to be replaced
by analytical equivalents… sorry, I mean by simpler structures, ok? ;-)

You know, I've been suspecting that there are certain differences between
the English and the Greek grammatical terminology, which means that I
cannot just translate the Greek terms in English without causing confusion
to you and the other dear gentlemen. "Analytical structures" or even
"analytical language" are anything but unusual terms in Greek.

Manolis Nikolaou

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