[b-greek] RE: Teaching Greek on Blackboard

From: Erik Westwig (ewestwig@palisade.com)
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 09:44:07 EST

Hi Susan,

I've been thinking a little about Greek fonts recently as well. I'm a
software engineer, and on-and-off I've been writing a converter to read the
transliterated Greek people use in their posts to the B-Greek discussion
group, and display them in a Greek font. I have a hard enough time reading
Greek with normal Greek letters, and the extra step of transliteration often
makes me give up. For my program, I need a good, free Greek font. While I
haven't settled on this yet, I'm leaning towards Bill Mounce's

Contrary to what your post implies, "TekniaGreek" is also in the public
domain. To quote his website: "It is absolutely free without any
restrictions, both its design and its mapping -- we would encourage you to
adopt it in your writing, programming, and websites." You may be
remembering his older font, called "Mounce", which I think you were allowed
to use if you bought his book, but I don't think you were allowed to freely
distribute or repackage in any way.

I've used "Mounce" (and "TekniaGreek" to a lesser extent) for about a year,
and while it has its quirks, I've gotten used to them, and I like how it
looks on the page. I recently downloaded SPIonic and have played with it a
little, but I think the letters don't scale nearly as well. I've never
tried Galilee, how does it compare?

Good Luck,

Erik Westwig
Software Engineer
Palisade Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Jeffers [mailto:susan@read-the-bible.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:10 PM
To: Biblical Greek
Subject: [b-greek] Teaching Greek on Blackboard

Greetings B-Greekers!

Does anyone have any words of wisdom concerning teaching NT Greek online
using Blackboard courseware?

I plan to use Mounce for the textbook; haven't decided yet among SPIonic,
Galilee, or the Teknia font that comes with the book (might be on the
Teknia web page, for that matter; I haven't looked yet) -- any pros or
cons? I like the idea of SPIonic and Galilee because they're public
domain, but since the students will already have Teknia it might be a bit
simpler for the folks to get started.

I've taught several Bible courses using Blackboard, but made most use of
the Discussion Board, didn't do much with quizzes or drop box or anything
like that, which I imagine would be important in teaching Greek.

The class will meet in person for a day at the beginning and a day at the
end of each semester, with the middle part all online. It's a 2-semester
seminary-level course. Students who want to go beyond will have a third
semester reading course conducted in person on campus.

Thanks for any advice or insight you can offer -- offlist responses welcome.

Susan Jeffers

EMail: susan@read-the-bible.org
Peace Church Bible Study Home Page: www.read-the-bible.org

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