[b-greek] Re: Who's Learning Greek These Days?

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (jgibson000@attbi.com)
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 19:57:19 EST

Rick Hubbard wrote:

> Judging from the proliferation of websites featuring Greek related content,
> the on-going publication of new grammars, and the apparent popularity of
> this discussion forum, it seems safe to conclude that the number of people
> who are either learning Greek (in an academic environment or on their own),
> or polishing their competency is substantial. Does anyone know where I could
> locate statistics on the number of students who are enrolled in Greek
> classes, the number of institutions that offer such courses, or some other
> numeric indicator of the language's (resurgent?) popularity?

I would try the Classics List.

You'll find its address and subscription information, and a whole lot more, at David
Meadow's Atrium.




Jeffrey B. Gibson, D.Phil. (Oxon.)
1500 W. Pratt Blvd.
          Floor 1
Chicago, Illinois 60626
e-mail jgibson000@attbi.com

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