[b-greek] Eta + Upsilon diphthong

From: Eric Weiss (eweiss@gte.net)
Date: Sun Mar 31 2002 - 14:41:49 EST

Re: the HU diphthong:

The Erasmian pronunciation, per my NT Greek grammars, of HU is "ew" as
in "few," just like the diphthong EU. None of my Modern Greek grammars
list this diphthong and/or say how to pronounce it. Maybe it doesn't
exist in Modern Greek.

For reading the New Testament with Modern Greek pronunciation, Spiros
Zodhiates shows on his pronunciation card that HU is to be pronounced as
"eef" or "eev", which he distinguishes from EU, which he shows to
pronounce as "ef" or "ev".

SO ... what is the consensus on the "Modern Greek" pronunciation of HU,
or how would a Modern Greek pronounce this diphthong if he/she
encounters it in the NT?

Eric S. Weiss

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