[b-greek] Re: EPISTREFW Zech 10:9-10

From: c stirling bartholomew (cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 15:51:30 EDT

on 4/16/02 5:46 AM, Randall Buth wrote:

> qal pattern verb [in your example, halax 'he went', occurs]
> nif`al pattern verb (as when not the passive of a transitive qal verb)
> [a word *nehlax occurs once in MT, Ps 109.23
> apparently something like "he dragged himself along" and
> ANTANAIREQHNAI "cancelled,'off-registered'" by LXX.]
> pi`el pattern verb [hillex occurs and means "walk, conduct myself",
> intransitive!] [[contrast avad 'he got lost'(qal) and ibbad
> 'he destroyed something' (pi`el, and very transitive)]]
> hitpa`el pattern verb [occurs in Zech 6.7 and means "travel around"]
> hif`il pattern verb [holix "he led".]
> [[Technically a different root y.l.k.
> though that is the same root for the prefix-tense qal yelex 'he will
> walk', sort of like ERCOMAI and ELEUSOMAI from two roots
> in Greek.]]


Thank you for the time you have taken to address this.

I did a little more work on hlk looking at the entire LXX. One thing seemed
to jump out of all this mass of data. The distinctions between hlk qal/hifil
as well as the distinctions between hlk qal/ hitpael seem to be marked in
the LXX by lexical patterns, i.e., the choice of different words for
translation equivalents.

On the other hand, the distinction between hlk qal/piel was much less
clearly marked by lexical choice in the translation equivalents.

I am wondering what is going on here. It is possible that the distinction
between hlk qal/piel is marked in some other way in the LXX or is this
distinction just difficult to render into Greek and therefore left unmarked?

Thanks again for your insights.




Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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