[b-greek] Re: Dative in 2 Peter 1:5

From: Clwinbery@aol.com
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 22:26:12 EDT

In a message dated 4/16/02 8:56:13 PM Central Daylight Time, graddyat@unk.edu

> I tried to post this once, but I think my connection died. Sorry if there
> is a double post.
> Section in question:
> Note: moderator changed Greek from pasted form to typed form.
> Is PISTEI used as a reference dative ('add to your faith virtue') or
> spherical ('in your faith add virtue')?
> I would guess that it is reference because ajrethvn does not appear to
> be incorporated within the realm of faith, especially if we are
> supposed to be adding it. Can anyone offer something more concrete
> than my guessing?
I don't think that "reference" will fit here. For that to be the case the
following translation should make sense, "in reference to faith add virtue."
I would say that you should translate this as "add virtue to your faith."
Some would even say that it is more association (instrumental), "along with
your faith add virtue."


Carlton Winbery
Louisiana College

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