[b-greek] Re: prin Abraam genesthai egw eimi

From: awohili@aol.com
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 22:57:47 EDT

Paul, in _A New Syntax of the Verb in New Testament Greek: An Aspectual Approach_, Kenneth L. McKay (Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York 1994) calls this construction "Extension from Past," and writes: "When used with an expression of either past time or extent of time with past indications (but not in past narrative), the present tense signals an activity begun in the past and continuing to present time....Jn 8:58 PRIN ABRAAM GENESQAI EGW EIMI, *I have been in existence since before Abraham was born*. This is a form of the continuation realization of the imperfective aspect, and similar uses are found with the imperfect tense and with imperfective participles." (pages 41, 42)

Solomon Landers

>OK. Now I'm thoroughly confused. If I understand Wallace, >he is saying
>this cannot be a historical present. What does that have to >do with
>Burton's "Present of Past Action still in Progress"? >Furthermore, what *is*
>the correct translation of this odd collection of Greek >words?

>Paul Schmehl pauls@utdallas.edu

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