[b-greek] Re: prin Abraam genesthai egw eimi

From: Iver Larsen (iver_larsen@sil.org)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 15:19:22 EDT

> on 4/17/02 1:15 AM, Iver Larsen wrote:
> > The normal Greek rendering of the special title of YHWH seems
> to be hO WN.
> You think so? What about the LXX? Not sure I would call it the
> normal way to
> render YHWH. In the LXX the normal way is KURIOS.
> greetings,
> Clay

Yes, what I wrote is not what I meant and I made a hurried mistake by
writing YHWH rather than the eheyeh I was thinking of. I am not proficient
in Hebrew and not familiar with the proper transliteration of Hebrew. What I
was thinking of but did not check was the LXX of Ex 3:14 where eheyeh asher
eheyeh (I am who I am) is rendered EGW EIMI hO WN. And I was thinking of the
normal way in Orthodox Greek tradition to use the hO WN as a title.

Thanks for correcting me,

Iver Larsen

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