[b-greek] Re: hWS EX ERGWN in Rom 9.32a

From: Polycarp66@aol.com
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 00:02:08 EDT

<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica>In a message dated 4/18/2002 11:15:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net writes:
<BR>&gt; My question concerns the use of hWS here. Accordance tags it as a subjective
<BR>&gt; particle. If I understand this correctly, it means that hWS introduces a
<BR>&gt; noun clause. But if so, what slot does it here fill? And can anyone give me
<BR>&gt; some advice as to how to distinguish hWS when it is a subjective particle
<BR>&gt; from hWS when it is a subordinating conjunction? I would have pegged the use
<BR>&gt; in Rom 9.32 as a subordinating conjunction.
<BR>Not a direct answer to your question but some light on subjective tag for
<BR>Sandy&amp;Headlam (Rom. ICC, p.280): "The hWS introduces a subjective idea. St.
<BR>Paul wishes to guard himself from asserting definitely that EX ERGWN was a
<BR>method by which NOMON DIKAIOSUNHS might be pursued. He therefore represented
<BR>it as an idea of the Jews, as a way by which they thought they could gain
<BR>C.E.B. Cranfield (Rom. ICC, p.511) appears to agree with this analysis. I
<BR>also found useful information on this in &nbsp;Danker hWS 3.c (p.1105) or BAGD
<BR>hWS III.3 (p.898) and also BDF #425(3).
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>I'm wondering if Logos/Accordance here mean by "subjective particle" that it introduces a subject. &nbsp;</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">Here's the passage from BAGD p. 898. &nbsp;
<BR>III. hWS introduces the characteristic quality of a pers., thing, or action, etc., referred to in the context.
<BR>3. a quality wrongly claimed, in any case objectively false EPISTOH hWS DI' hHMWN a letter (falsely) alleged to be from us 2 Th 2:2a (Diod. S. 33, 5, 5 EPEMYAN hWS PARA TWN PRESBEUTWN EPISTOHN they sent a letter which purported to come from the emissaries; Diog. L. 10:3 falsified EPISTOLAI hWS EPIKOUROU). TOUS LOGIZOMENOUS hHMAS hWS KATA SARKA PERIPATOUNTAS 2 Cor 10:2 (s. also 1c above). Cf. 11:17; 13:7. Israel wishes to become righteous OUK EK PISTEWS ALL' hWS EC ERGWN not through faith but through deeds (the latter way being objectively wrong) Ro 9:32 (Rdm.2 26f).
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