[b-greek] LXX Psalm 36:7 'hUPOTAGHQI TW KURIW

From: David Bielby (dbielby@juno.com)
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 14:48:21 EDT

As I've reflected on this phrase in the English Bibles (Psalm 37:7--LXX Ps
36:7) a few questions popped up. Is it good to translate this phrase

"Submit yourself to the Lord..."
"Put yourself under the Lord's authority"

Or even "Obey the Lord"

What influenced the translators of the NIV & NLT and other translators to
choose the option "Be still in the Lord's presence" or "Rest in the Lord"

Let me explain my perspective a bit more. If the Hebrew means "Be still
or be silent" then why is the LXX not matching that? I don't seem to be
grasping what's going on here.

Thanks for your input!

Dave Bielby
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Bloomington, IL

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