[b-greek] RE: Keeping up on Greek

From: Suedaleg@aol.com
Date: Sat Apr 20 2002 - 02:28:59 EDT

My story is also similar to Ken's.

I studied Greek as an undergrad for 3 years. I planned on going into the
ministry, but for reasons to long to get into I did not. A few years after,
however I found myself teaching adult Bible classes and have done so now for
19 years. I almost let my Greek die, keeping just enough to be able to
follow in church, but not enough to truly study it. I became dissatisfied
with this about four years ago so I began to work with it more. I found a
number of sources on the 'net, and have rebuilt the knowledge. I now use the
Greek in my personal studies and in lesson preparation. I have recently
begun reading the LXX. By the way, I am also a computer programmer, only to
pay the bills. I consider teaching to be my true calling, preparing three
lessons a week.
I also have tried to teach myself Hebrew but ahve not been able to progress
past the very bare basics. I hope to someday have it come together.

Dale Greenlee

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