[b-greek] RE: Rev. 3:15

From: Polycarp66@aol.com
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 17:30:37 EST

In a message dated 4/2/2002 10:15:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, eweiss@gte.net

If the geographic/water-source comments re: Colossae and Hieropolis
vis-a-vis Laodicea that I referenced in my earlier response are in fact
correct, I would think that such an explanation would trump a detailed
lexical examination of the meanings of "cold" and "hot." Kind of the
Occam's Razor principle.

I expect that Carl would rather that we not continue this onlist since it
doesn't directly deal with the Greek text (perhaps he will soon request that
it be termnated). While there is still time, however, I would like to
request that, if you can provide some source for the details you allege, I
would like to be informed regarding them (offlist is recommended).


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