[b-greek] Greetings from Japan

From: Akiyoshi Ohgushi (akiyoshi@fastwave.gr.jp)
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 10:13:39 EST

Dear B-Greekers,

I joined this mailing list just today. My name is Akiyoshi.
I'm Japanese and now I'm studying NT Greek at Baptist Seminary in Tokyo.
My teacher (and us, 3 students) also uses the modern pronunciation,
and I've also heard the Creed and Lord's Prayer spoken in modern way
on a website of Orthodox church. I have no problem about learning
NT Greek with the modern pronunciation. Rather I want to get an audio
file (through Internet) or cassette tape/CD on which all verses of Greek
New Testament are read in the modern pronunciation. I'd appreciate if
some of you would give me some info about it. Thank you and God bless.

Akiyoshi Ohgushi

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