[b-greek] Re: why miniscule?

From: ross purdy (rossjpurdy@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 23:26:40 EST

This is from the Concordant Publishing Concern:


This text gives all the readings of the three most ancient codices –
Alexandrinus, Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. Although worthwhile readings from
other sources, including the Papyri, the evidence of the Fathers, ancient
versions, later manuscripts and modern scholarship were given ample
consideration, it was found that the three major ancient texts contain every
letter which modern editors deem genuine. Our CONCORDANT GREEK TEXT allows
the reader to see every passage just as it was penned nearly two thousand
years ago, in the ancient uncial alphabet.
An ultra-literal and consistent English sublinear is provided which
uniformly expresses the Greek grammar with English standards. Wherever
possible the first letter of the English standard in the sublinear stands
directly under the first letter of the corresponding Greek word. With a
format uniform throughout to facilitate reference, there are 20 Greek
letters to the line and 50 to the column, giving 1000 to the page. Readings
variant from the basic text are given in the superlinear.
Black simulated leather, 735 pages
(ISBN 0-910424-31-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00
Black genuine leather, 735 pages
(ISBN 0-910424-32-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00

In Christ,
Ross Purdy

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