[b-greek] Re: Col 3.8, KAI hUMEIS

From: Iver Larsen (iver_larsen@sil.org)
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 06:12:38 EST


Glenn said:
> This is how KAI functions in Col 3.8 -- hUMEIS *you* (in contrast to the
> hUIOS THS APEIQEIAS) KAI *in addition to* the things in verse 5,
> *also* put off all these: anger, wrath, etc."

An excellent and detailed discussion. I think the last paragraph sums it up
nicely although I do have a different perspective on part of it.

When an independent pronoun is used in Greek it signifies extra emphasis on
the people referred to. (This does not strictly apply to John's Semitic
Greek, but certainly to Paul's.)

KAI signifies "in addition to" and involves some kind of comparison.

Fronted positions or context can then in conjunction with the independent
pronoun signify contrast.

In 3:8 NUNI contrasts "life now" with "life before", both by its lexical
content and first position.

That APOQESQE occurs before the pronoun subject indicates in my
understanding of word order that the lexical content "discard, put away" is
relatively more important than hUMEIS. The hearers know that Paul is talking
to them, so hUMEIS is understood, but the key point is what they should do.

hUMEIS indicates the focus on the Colossians and the contrast to the "sons
of disobedience".

KAI indicates that the Colossians, too, like other Christians, need to put
away such things. I don't think it is "all these things, too" (KAI TA
PANTA), but "you, too" (KAI hUMEIS), because in this function of KAI, it
governs the word that follows it. So the comparison must be between the
Colossians and other people. Those other people cannot be the sons of
obedience as it was in v. 7, but presumably other Christians like Paul, his
companions and other believers the Colossians know about. That group is
called the chosen ones in v. 12.

TA PANTA is last because it is the most predictable and least important. It
is explained by the following list.

Iver Larsen

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