[b-greek] Re: Romans 1:16

From: Glenn Blank (glennblank@earthlink.net)
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 18:30:34 EST

Glen Naftaniel wrote,

>> 1) How do we know that the power (DUNAMIS) is the predicate
>>nominative and 2) that ESTIN refers back to EUAGGELION?

Mark Wilson wrote,

>I think you are attempting to understand
>this in the following manner:
>"I am not ashamed of the gospel. For God's power is...."
>As you can see, this doesn't work since there is no complete
>predicate. More specifically:
>For God's power is ___________ resulting in salvation...

Would it not be possible that the prepositional phrase itself is functioning
as the predicate? Giving this sense:

"For God's power is unto salvation."

compare John 1.18; 1 Cor 14.22; Jam 5.3; Mat 19.5, for a few examples of
where the predicate following a form of EIMI is a prepositional phrase
rather than a substantive.

Thus, Glen's parsing would be

{<DUNAMIS QEOU> (subject)} {ESTIN (copula)} {<EIS SWTHRIAN> (predicate)}

versus Mark's parsing, where the predicate is the noun phrase


and the copula inserted into the noun phrase.

So how do we know which it is?

glenn blank
Pensacola FL


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