[b-greek] Re: Genesis 19:18 BHS & LXX

From: awohili@aol.com
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 19:39:04 EDT

The Ginsberg Massorah (Ktav Publishing House, 1975 reprint) lists Genesis 19:18 as one of the 134 places where the Sopherim changed an original YHWH ("Yahweh") to Adonai ("Lord.") (Volume 1, page 25). Thus it appears that the Hebrew text originally read "YHWH" here.

Most texts of the Aramaic Targum of Onkelos also read YeYa (= YHWH) at Genesis 19:18, although a few have Ribbonai (= Adonai).

Solomon Landers

>I hope this isn't too off the mark, and I realise that this >is a Greek =
>forum, but perchance someone might help off line.

>Can anyone provide a textual apparatus for Gen 19:18 on the >original
>reading whether YHWH or Lord or God in Hebrew, Aramaic, and >Greek and
>perchance citations for any (other) ancient texts (in DSS >etc) that
>support a possible original reading.

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