[b-greek] Re: Use of the conjunction KAI

From: Steven Lo Vullo (slovullo@mac.com)
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 21:20:57 EDT

on 4/8/02 5:27 PM, Bill Burks at rwburks@flash.net wrote:

> Paul and Mark,
> Thank you both for your replies to my question concerning the use of KAI, and
> for your references to Moulton, and Conybeare and Stock. I have been studing
> the Hebrew OT for years, and the Greek NT for awhile, but I have recently read
> several books on Textual Criticism and purchased a BHS, and a Septuagint. I
> thought I might try my hand at comparing the two. I also am doing some work
> for
> a research paper on Judges ... while doing so this usage of KAI threw me for a
> loop.


Something you may find helpful in your comparison of the MT and LXX is _The
Parallel Aligned Text of the Greek and Hebrew Bible_, edited by Emanuel Tov.
I have an e-version with Accordance, and don't have the info on the printed
version, but my guess is that one exists.
Steven Lo Vullo
Madison, WI

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