[b-greek] Re: Lk 24:17-28

From: Manolis Nikolaou (aei_didaskomenos@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 07:49:02 EDT


> If PAROIKEIS means "stranger," this rendering makes perfect sense, and the
> structure perfectly normal -- the implication being, "You don't know about
> what has been happening?! Everyone else does! Is it because you are the
> only visitor and everyone else are citizens of Jerusalem that they all know
> and you don't? But that can't be -- surely, you are not the only visitor!"

> It is the presence of PAROIKEIS that adds the hint of sarcasm:
> "Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem and [meaning that] you are [the only
> one] not knowing the happenings in her these days.

> glenn blank
> Pensacola FL

Interesting, Glenn. You suggest that PAROIKW, in this case, should not
just be understood as "I am temporally somewhere as a visitor" or as "I
pass through some place" but (in a sarcastic sense) as "I'm a real
stranger here, completely unaware of what's going on":

"Come on! Haven't you heard about the happenings in Jerusalem? Are you
from another planet or something?"

Another -less interesting- suggestion might be that Kleopas thought he was
talking to some guy from EMMAOUS, the village they were going to. The
other residents of EMMAOUS might not have been aware of what had happened,
since they hadn't been in Jerusalem. However, that strange person was
coming from Jerusalem with them, so he was expected to know about the
happenings there:

"You are the only man from your village who was in Jerusalem and you
haven't noticed anything?", Kleopas might have asked him.

Manolis Nikolaou

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