[b-greek] NT Greek Study Day, University of Birmingham, 16 April 2002

From: Mark Goodacre (M.S.Goodacre@bham.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 14:55:45 EDT

I am grateful to Carl for permission to post the following email
which should be of interest to UK subscribers.

There will be a study day for teachers of (NT) Greek in universities
and theological colleges (or those who aspire to be such) at the
University of Birmingham on Tuesday 16 April 2002. It has been
organised under the auspices of the NT/Koine Greek group within the
LTSN Classics Centre, who are generously supporting the day.

This day is a follow-up to the very successful day held last April on
teaching beginners, and this time focuses on how we help
'intermediate' students (i.e. those who have completed a course using
an introductory grammar such as Wenham, Macnair, Dobson or Bruce).

For details and a booking form, please see:


I hope to see some of you there.

With best wishes
Dr Mark Goodacre mailto:M.S.Goodacre@bham.ac.uk
  Dept of Theology tel: +44 121 414 7512
  University of Birmingham fax: +44 121 414 4381
  Birmingham B15 2TT UK

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