[b-greek] Re: 1 John 1:6,8,10

From: Polycarp66@aol.com
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 23:55:18 EDT

<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>In a message dated 4/11/2002 11:21:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, waldoslusher@yahoo.com writes:
<BR><BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">The following quote was taken from an article I came
<BR>across on the Internet. Can anyone tell me if the
<BR>words supplied in the [brackets] are legitimate.
<BR>The passage under consideration is 1 John 1:6ff:
<BR>Although the heretics believed they lived in a perfect
<BR>state because they possessed a “gnosis through
<BR>mystical communion with God,” they were actually
<BR>living a life of sin. Kubo believes the author’s
<BR>statement in 1:6 addresses this heretical claim when
<BR>it says, “If we say that we have fellowship with him
<BR>and yet walk in the darkness, we lie.” Kubo sees 1:8
<BR>and 10 as also addressing the heretics, and in
<BR>parallel construction with v. 6. He says verses 8 and
<BR>10 should be qualified by saying, “If we say that we
<BR>have no sin [and walk in darkness], we are deceiving
<BR>ourselves (1:8)” and “If we say that we have not
<BR>sinned [and walk in darkness], we make him a liar
<BR>End Quote...
<BR>Verses 8 and 10 should be "qualified" by carrying
<BR>forward the words from vs. 6 to verses 8 and 10.
<BR>I must admit I like this, but simply do not have the
<BR>background to accept or refute. Please help.
<BR>Waldo Slusher
<BR>Calgary, AL
<BR>(where we still have snow)
<BR>If you're asking regarding manuscript support for that reading, I see none. &nbsp;I think someone's liking for anaphora has caused them to insert it. &nbsp;It would make a good liturgical reading.
<BR>May I bring my skis? &nbsp;You're near Banf aren't you?
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