[b-greek] RE: e-Greek & information discounts

From: c stirling bartholomew (cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 00:39:58 EDT

on 4/11/02 8:58 PM, Paul O. Wendland wrote:

>> the entire world of e-texts is part of what can now be "taken for granted."
>> It is part of the "assumed knowledge" of everyone working in the field. It is
>> only a mouse click away for anyone with the means to purchase it.
> Isn't that a big assumption? That is: simply because you can point and click
> your way to Elysian fields of data, that fact alone means you really
> understand what you can access. I dunno though that people always show
> evidence of having assimilated even what they've cut and pasted.

You are absolutely right on all points. Information is not knowledge and
that is why having something worth saying on b-greek and elsewhere will
always be hard work. Technology isn't going to do your homework for you.

Thanks a lot, Paul.

-- Clayton Bartholomew

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