[b-greek] Copying and pasting (again!)

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 07:01:37 EDT

May I once again plead, please, that list-members NOT paste text into ASCII
messages UNLESS they do the necessary editing to make that text
intelligible to all list-members. While some may guess that "ignosis" in
the cited passage below may indicate that "gnosis" should be read as an
italicized word; others may guess that the "ì" was (before
copying-and-pasting) a open-quote sign and that "î" is a close-quote sign.
I think that much of this sort of copying-and-pasting is done without even
thinking, and it does make considerably more difference when Greek text is
thus copied and pasted and appears as gobbledygook on screens of those
whose systems don't have the font in question. Here too I would plead that
this is fundamentally a matter of courtesy, of respect for all other
list-members, including those who don't use the same platform or system or
fonts that the sender is employing.

At 8:20 PM -0700 4/11/02, waldo slusher wrote:
>The following quote was taken from an article I came
>across on the Internet. Can anyone tell me if the
>words supplied in the [brackets] are legitimate.
>The passage under consideration is 1 John 1:6ff:
>Although the heretics believed they lived in a perfect
>state because they possessed a ìgnosis through
>mystical communion with God,î they were actually
>living a life of sin. Kubo believes the authorís
>statement in 1:6 addresses this heretical claim when
>it says, ìIf we say that we have fellowship with him
>and yet walk in the darkness, we lie.î Kubo sees 1:8
>and 10 as also addressing the heretics, and in
>parallel construction with v. 6. He says verses 8 and
>10 should be qualified by saying, ìIf we say that we
>have no sin [and walk in darkness], we are deceiving
>ourselves (1:8)î and ìIf we say that we have not
>sinned [and walk in darkness], we make him a liar
>End Quote...
>Verses 8 and 10 should be "qualified" by carrying
>forward the words from vs. 6 to verses 8 and 10.
>I must admit I like this, but simply do not have the
>background to accept or refute. Please help.
>Waldo Slusher
>Calgary, AL
>(where we still have snow)
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Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University (Emeritus)
Most months:: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243
cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu OR cwconrad@ioa.com
WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/

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