[b-greek] Greek New Testament

From: backusfam1@bluefrognet.net
Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 07:32:29 EDT

Please pardon the liberty of using this medium to ask a question concerning an
edition of the Greek New Testament; I am fully aware of the purpose of b-greek,
and I apologize if this seems rather intrusive, however, I don't know of a
source which provides a greater exposure to people who may be of assistance.
Some time ago I purchased a Greek New Testament which I am finding very
difficult to identify. The binding has written on it, Greek New Testament
Brandsheid edit., which I understand to be the Brandsheid edition, however, the
information as to who Brandsheid is borders on non-existent. It was printed in
Germany with a date of 1932. The small preface, as well as all notes, are in
Latin. It contains a very concise critical apparatus in the back of the book.
I have compared it to UBS and Nestle-Aland and found it to be identical with
neither. It is not the Textus Receptus (Byzantine text) either. I would
appreciate any help in identifying this text if anyone else has knowledge of
this Greek text. Thanks again, and I apologize for using this format.

                                                       Vance Backus

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