Tony: I'm not qualified to judge Ruben Swanson's books, although several people have praised them highly to me. I own all of them, and have really been enjoying them. I would think they would be of great value to anyone interested in textual criticism. I support Clay's suggestion to get them. But if you can afford it, get NA27 as well. Ted Mann On Thu, 01 Jun 2000 01:38:32 -0700 clayton stirling bartholomew writes: > on 06/01/00 1:59 AM, Tony Stark wrote: > > > Hi, > > Can someone tell me what the different is between the UBS 26 and > 27 edition > > or (NA26 and NA27)? If you have the 26th edition of the greek > text,is it > > necessary to purchase the 27th edition? > > thanks. tony stark :-) > > Tony, > > UBS has seen editions 1 through 4, so you must mean NA26 & 27. > > NA27 includes a few more Papyri in the textual apparatus, up through > 90 > something. Also the type is a little larger (not much) and a little > easier > to read. There also was some error correction done between NA26 & > 27. If you > can still read NA26, then unless you are very excited about a few > additional > papyri, why not save your money and use it to buy Ruben Swanson's > books from > BIBAL press. Ruben Swanson's books are a vast improvement over the > NA27 for > textual study however he has not finished the whole NT. > > Clay > > -- > Clayton Stirling Bartholomew > Three Tree Point > P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062 > > > > --- > B-Greek home page: > You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: > To unsubscribe, forward this message to > > To subscribe, send a message to > > > ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to