Carl Conrad said: > there is no good reason why the initiative may not be taken in > Spanish, French, German, Italian, ... For those with Web access (and not just email), there is always `Babel Fish': Which will "translate" a variety of languages. The results are sometimes slightly amusing, but always helpful. Randal Buth said: > Amigo Braulio! Un gusto recibir noticias tuyas, y me gusta tu idea. > Para comenzar, apoyo la recomendacin de Randall Buth comencemos a > escribir los mensajes en castellano, y a ver cuantos responden (eso, si > la direccin de B-Greek est de acuerdo). Te cuento que en agosto > estar en Guatemala, con la Dra. Fortin . Un abrazo, Juan Which Babel Fish responded with: Braulio Friend! A taste to receive the news yours, and I like your idea. In order to begin, support recomendacin of Randall Buth we begin to write the messages in Castilian, and to see whatever respond (that, if direccin of B-Greek est in agreement). I tell you that in August to be in Guatemala, with the Dra. Bunker. A hug, Juan --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to