Connie wrote: > I'll be happy to respond favorably to Ward's challenge to stop > calling the AV Bible the "King James" -- or as I have heard > it called in even less-informed circles, the "Saint James" (thus > proving his point even better). Connie, Whether the members of this list, or even the scholarly world in general, decides to stop referring to the 1611 translation as the "King James Version" or not will probably have little effect unless the publishing industry, which makes millions of dollars from selling Bibles, decides to make a change in their practice. I agree that the term "Authorized Version" is probably more accurate, but that will have little effect on the general public which is rather emotionally attached to the "King James Version". Lynn Trapp --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to