>Might anyone be able to provide some information on these two 19th c. texts >that I have acquired? > >1. Cambridge Greek Testament For Schools And Colleges - St. Mark > Gen. Editor J. J. S. Perowne, D. D., Dean of Peterborough > New edition revised w/ Appendix > Edited for the syndics of the University Press > Cambridge: At The University Press > London: C. J. Clay and Son, Cambridge University Press Warehouse, Ava >Maria Lane, 1886 > <<$5 You made a good buy. The CGT was a series of commentaries that concentrated on philology prepared as textbooks for translating the GNT in English public schools and colleges. The commentary is slight, but helpful. There are different editions of some of the books. My copy of Mark was done, if I remember correctly, by Alfred Plummer. > >2. H KAINE DIAQHKH EK THS PALAIAS DIAQHKHS KATA TOUS EBDOMHKONTA > DIERMHNEGOMENH > Novum Testamentum Graecum > Editio Hellenistica > TOM. II. > Londini, Gulielmus Pickering, 1843 > contains GNT from Romans to Revelation > all notes are in Greek > $11 Another good buy. It is, I think, by the same compiler/author who produced a slightly later two volume set which has the title: Scholia Hellenistica in Novum Testamentum Philone et Josepho Patribus Apostolicis aliisq. ecclesiae antiquae scriptoribus necnon libris apocryphis maxime ornata. Instruxit atque ornavit Novi Testamenti hellenistice illustrati recens editor [i.e. Edward G. Grinfield]. London: Gulielmus [i.e., William] Pickering, 1848. This is a collection of illustrative texts drawn from Jewish and early Christian writers. Grinfield published the volumes drawn from the Septuagint in 1843, about 5 years before the two above, with the same publisher. My set of the above came from the library of Joseph Thayer, the translator-editor of the Grimm-Wilcke Lexicon, still reprinted, and now badly needs rebinding. I wonder if what you have does not also have a Greek text without accents. but does have rough breathings. Too bad you could not get volume I also. HelveticaFFFF,0000,0000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Edgar Krentz Professor of New Testament Emeritus Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago 1100 E. 55th Street Chicago, IL 60615 USA 773-256-0752 e-mail:FFFF,0000,0000 ekrentz@lstc.edu (Office) FFFF,0000,0000emkrentz@mcs.com (Home) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --- B-Greek home page: http://sunsite.unc.edu/bgreek You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-b-greek-329W@franklin.oit.unc.edu To subscribe, send a message to subscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu