At 11:42 AM 1/30/97 -0800, you wrote: >Thanks to htose who had suggestions for what to read on Paul. I've >put together a rather intense "syllabus" for my one-semester readig >course (that is, I do all the reading). Although it needs to be thinned >out a little, since its beyond even what a doctoral student should have >to read in one semester, it's available to anyne who wants it. No >claims to this being the ultimate list. I saw that I couldn't even >contan the literaure on Paul and the alw in ome semester, let alone all >the major topics in Pauline studies so it is by nature selective, and >clearly suits MY interets. Thanks. Would you like to share your list? I'd like to see it. Randall McRoberts or Check out my Biblical Studies website at "Apply yourself wholly to the text; apply the text wholly to yourself." - Johann Albrecht Bengel