At 11:57 PM -0500 10/13/97, Juan Stam B wrote: >Greetings B-Greekers! I m always fascinated by the discussions that go >back and forth on B-Greek and am grateful for all the kowledgeable >contributions. It s a great help on keeping the Greek alive and fresh. > >I m wondering if somebody would be able to locate a passage in Suetonius >for me. My Spanish copy does not give verse identifications. In my >copy the passage is four pages from the end of *Domitian*, right after >Suetonius reports the condemnation of Flavius Clemente. The text I want >to locate reads: *Tomorrow the moon will be bloodied in the sign of >Acquarius and an event will occur about which the whole world will talk* > >I ll be very grateful if someone can give me the exact reference for this >quote (for a commentary I m writing in Spanish) Suetonius, Vita Dom. 16 1 Pridie quam periret, cum oblatos tubures seruari iussisset in crastinum, adiecit: 'si modo uti licuerit,' et conuersus ad proximos affirmauit *fore ut sequenti die luna se in aquario cruentaret factumque aliquod existeret, de quo loquerentur homines per terrarum orbem.* at circa mediam noctem ita est exterritus, ut e strato prosiliret. dehinc mane haruspicem ex Germania missum, qui consultus de fulgure mutationem rerum praedixerat, audiit condemnauitque. I've marked the precise section you want with asterisks. You might find it worth knowing that the Latin text of Suetonius (and of several other authors) may be found at the web site: Carl W. Conrad Department of Classics/Washington University One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018 Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649 OR WWW: