>Hello >Does anyone know where one can find a language atlas showing the >different languages / dialects and overlaps for 1st Century Palestine? >If a map form doesn't exist (likely) then an article would be fine. > >For example I've heard it said that Greek was spoken more in Galilee >than Judea, that Samaritans spoke less a different Aramaic to Jews, >etc. etc., What about rich and poor? Pharisees, Saducees, Herodians, >Scribes, Centurions, schools, synagogues...? Where can one get a reliable >overview of the subject? >Thanks >Steven Try two items. 1. THE ATLAS OF ISRAEL. It will probably have a map of populations distribution, if not of linguistic distribution. 2. The first volume of the series Jerusalem Cathedra has a map of population distribution showing where Jews, Samaritans, and Greek speakers lived in the first century. Of course, the best guide would be to check out inscriptions from different areas. Coinage was regularly either in Latin or Greek, but that depended on the fact that the overlords were speakers of those languages. Clearly the Herodian family was fluent in Greek and probably also Latin. ******************************* Edgar Krentz Professor of New Testament Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago 1100 East 55th Street Chicago, IL 60615 e-mail: office: FFFF,0000,0000ekrentz@lstc.edu home: FFFF,0000,0000emkrentz@mcs.com Tel: 0ff.: 773-256-0752; home 773-947-8105 ********************************