Peter: Andrew Murray (born 1828), in a devotional writing on "Holiness and Truth", had this to say" "First there is word-truth: a man may have the correct form of words while he does not really apprehend the truth they contain. Then there is thought-truth: there may be a clear intellectual apprehension of truth without the experience of its power. The Bible speaks of truth as a living reality -- this is the life-truth: in which the very Spirit of truth we profess has entered and possessed our inner being." In Trench's "Synonymns of the New Testament" you will find an interesting discussion on the difference between GNWSIS and EPIGNWSIS, which I quote in part: "...if GNWSIS is cognito... EPIGNWSIS is ... a deeper and more intimate knowledge and acquaintance." He refers us to Paul's use of both in 1 Cor. 13:12, where he points out that Paul "exchanges the GINWSKW, which expresses his present and fragmentary knowledge, for EPIGNWSOMAI, when he would express his future intuitive and perfect knowledge." Trench goes on to say, "It is bringing me better acquainted with a thing I knew before; a more exact viewing of an object that I saw before afar off. That little portion of knowledge which we had here shall be much improved, our eye shall be raised to see the same things more strongly and clearly." The fact that there is more than one level of understanding becomes apparent through the process of maturation. As to the expansion of the depth and breadth of our knowledge, Trench compares the uses of GNWSIS and SOFIA which you may also find interesting. And, in fact, Paul uses the two together in Eph. 1:17 praying the God would give a spirit of wisdom (SOFIAS) and revelation (another interesting word relative to "level of understanding") in a full knowledge (EPIGNWSEI) of Him. Happy hunting... April Lytle Creek, CA --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to