Dear List-members, With the nihil obstat from the list managers (plus a considerable help with the syntax from Edward Hobbs) I am very pleased to announce the recent appearance of a new, but soon indispensable, tool in the field of Greek Lexicography, the "Repertorio Bibliografico de la Lexicografia Griega" ("A Bibliographic Repertorium of Greek Lexicography" [*RBGL*]). This book contains: right,left,outa) An Inventory of Indexes, Lexica and Concordances of Greek authors. This is a considerable update of H. and B. Risenfeld "Repertorium Lexicographicum Graecum" (Stockholm, 1954). b) A Bibliography of works and general studies on Greek Lexicography, with more than 3,300 works cited. c) A Bibliography of Greek Lexicography, ordered by the Greek lemmatized words. It contains more than 34,000 lemmata, giving references to around 6,900 philological studies. d) A short index of some of the lexicographical studies included in section (b) ordered by semantic domains. The book covers alphabetic Greek to the end of the VI century A.D. and it is based on the extensive scrutiny of hundreds of journals, specialised works, lexica and other bibliographic inventories done by the authors with the help of 3 collaborators. This work makes the third volume of the series "Anejos del Diccionario Griego-Espan~ol", and it is closely related with the work of the *DGE* team. Although not only oriented to B-Greek, the book does contain a wealth of information of interest for B-Greekers. As an example, there are 9 bibliographic references under the lemma PROSKUNEW; 26 under PISTIS; 6 under TAMIEION; 7 under HOMOLOGIA and nothing less than 84 under LOGOS (it happens to be the most cited Greek word) to quote only some of the words under discussion in the List during the last weeks. Full bibliographical reference: Boned Colera, Pilar, and Juan Rodr'iguez Somolinos. 1998. "Repertorio Bibliogr'afico de la Lexicograf'ia Griega," Anejos del Diccionario Griego-Espan~ol III. Madrid: CSIC. (in-4¼) pp. XX + 540, ISBN: 84-00-07722-9 The book appears at a promotional price of Spanish Pta. 5,000 (circa US $ 32.5, DM 59) taxes included, plus shipping costs. Orders can be addressed by e-mail to the "Servicio de Publicaciones del CSIC" < or by surface mail at: Servicio de Publicaciones del CSIC c. Vitrubio 8 28008 Madrid (Espan^a) Telephone: 91-5629633 Fax: 91-5629634 ___________________________________________________________________ Daniel Rian~o Rufilanchas c. Santa Engracia 52, 7 dcha. 28010-Madrid, Espan~a --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to