As one who has been separated from direct contact with the list for over a week, partly owing to misbehavior on the part of majordomo (and if Clayton can send the captain to discipline the major, I wish him the very best!) and owing also to morte de modem, I found myself last night and today reading a vast number of posts to this list. One thing that made this task a lot more time-consuming than it might have been is that some posters (new list-members, perhaps?) have not taken pains to erase those parts of previous correspondence that are unrelated to the point they are making in their own post. One finds, then, that one is re-reading again and again what one has already read. Of course, one can just scroll on down through all that excess verbiage, but this kind of oversight can really be annoying to those who pay more dearly for what clogs their electronic mailboxes. So could we trim away those parts of the messages we're responding to that don't have an important bearing on understanding the poster's point? And hopefully I'll have something of more substance to say hereafter. I WILL add that I think James Vellenga is right in bringing to bear my note of a month ago that a substantive participle in Greek really OUGHT to have an article to make clear that it is substantive rather than circumstantial. Carl W. Conrad Department of Classics/Washington University One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018 Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(704) 675-4243 WWW: