At 9:11 AM -0600 2/18/98, Edgar Foster wrote: >>> It is true that >Democritus and later the Epicureans used TO ATOMON as a substantive for an >indivisible unit of material, but it would also be readily used as a >substantive for an indivisible unit of time, "a moment"--and I think that's >what's really going on here.<<<< > >I would agree Carl, that Paul was not positing a materialist theory in 1 Cor. >15. One thing that has often perplexed me about Paul's use of ATOMOS here, >however, has been the fact that TO ATOMON was INCORRECTLY viewed as an >indivisible unit of material by Democritus (et. al). Its hard for me to imagine >an INSPIRED (THEOPNEUSTOS) Bible writer recording incorrect information (that's >from my paradigm). Your comments might clear up my question? Are you saying >that ATOMOS was used in the Classics to denote or describe an indivisible unit >of TIME? If so, can you provide references to these usages? I don't have access >to Perseus or other sources right now. Here's what LSJ has under ATOMOS: 2. of Time: OUC hOION TE EIS ATOMOUS CRONOUS DIAIREISQAI TON CRONON Aristotle, Physics 263b27; KAT' ATOMON CRONON Aristotle, Sens. 447b18; EN ATOMWi "in a moment" Aristotle Physics 236a6; 1 Cor 15:52 EN ATOMWi ORGHS Sm. Is. 54.8. 0000,7777,0000This is quite enough to substantiate the sense of "a moment" in 1 Cor 15:52, I think. Carl W. Conrad Department of Classics/Washington University One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018 Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649 OR WWW: ree >clauses of vv. 15ö16 are composed of a noun or pronoun phrase followed by a >participle, in the fourth clause the noun phrase is followed by an adjective >("hostile") and then a participle ("hindering"). Both the NIV ("They ... >are hostile to all men in their effort to keep us ...") and NRSV ("they ... >oppose everyone by hindering us ...") emphasize the adjective, as it >immediately follows the noun clause; they treat the adjective as if it were >a participle parallel to the first three, and subordinate the following >participle to it. Alternatively, one may emphasize the obvious parallelism >of the four participles, as does the NASB ("not pleasing to God, but hostile >to all men, hindering us ..."). But the NASB treats the linking conjunction >KAI as though it were a contrasting one ("but," DE or ALLA); instead >translate "they are not pleasing to God and, hostile to humanity, are >hindering us ..." (cf. E. J. Richard, Thessalonians, 121ö122). The problem with this is that ENANTI/WN in 1 Thess 2:15 cannot be a participle--UNLESS it is a nominative sg. active of ENANTIOW; a participle gen. pl. of ENANTIOOMAI would be ENANTIOUMENWN. That having been said, there's nothing to prevent understanding ENANT/WN here as the genitive plural of the adjective ENANTIOS/A/ON with an implicit ONTWN that would yield the equivalent of a participle of ENANTIOOMAI. Carl W. Conrad Department of Classics/Washington University One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018 Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649 OR WWW: --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to