Francisco, In Titus, it is stated: KATASTHSHiS KATA POLIN PRESBUTEROUS with some of the requirements of such an appointee as MIAS GUNAIKOS ANHR and TEKNA ECWN PISTA so I would think he would be old enough to have fulfilled at least those two requirements. > As an aside, are there any indications in the related literature as > to when a man is an old man (PRESBUTEROS)? 40's? 50's? Age is an interesting thing: the younger want to be older, and the older want to be younger. Quite relative. Polybius 18.12.5 speaks of Flaminius as "young" -age 30 Irenaeus Haer. 2.22.5 one is "young" up to age 40 Aulus Gellius 10.28 soldiers "are reckoned IUNIORES up to 46 That deals with the other side of the coin, I know; but maybe helpful. All the best. Denny Diehl --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to